Database Recording

Database feature was built to make it easier to prepare data for end-to-end tests, to save and restore specific state of Superdesk during development, or to help debugging.

It works by listening for database events when recording is started and generates a file with changes when recording is stopped. This allows to generate data quickly by using a browser to interact with the app while recording is in progress.


There 2 main terms here - full dumps and records.

A full dump is database backup, similar to one a database management software would generate. It is possible to have many dumps.

A record is a custom patch-like JSON file that gets applied to a dump to produce a database for a specific e2e test. A dump is first required in order to produce a record and that record only works with that dump that was used when producing a record.

Creating a dump

Run python storage:dump command. See Superdesk CLI for extra parameters. The dump will be based on the main superdesk database used by a local instance. In order to create a clean dump to be used for e2e tests, it’s advised to delete the main superdesk database, initialize a clean one, add a user and at least one desk. The same python storage:dump command can be used to create a backup of your current development database to be restored later.

Recording changes

Recording only works with mongo 4 or greater. Replica mode has to be enabled. To enable replica mode, add command: --replSet rs0 to mongo section in docker-compose.yml. Here’s an example:

    image: mongo:4.4
      - "27017"
      - "27017:27017"
    command: --replSet rs0

After this, restart docker and execute the following commands in the terminal, in the directory where your docker-compose.yml is located.

> docker-compose exec mongodb /bin/bash
> mongo
> rs.initiate()

Now run python storage:record to start recording changes. Then open Superdesk in the browser, do the changes you need for a e2e test and stop the recording(ctrl-c in terminal where recording was started).

Restoring records

Use storage:restore-record command.

Other commands

See Storage Dumps and Records

Using recordings in e2e tests

Not implemented yet